Monday, September 3, 2012


Greetings! My name is Francisco Nieto Salazar. I will be your computer tech teacher this year. Part of my job is to help you guys learn to use computers. I know, you already know how to use them. Maybe you do, but I'm going to try to teach you how to best use them, and how to get the most of them in order to advance the school's goal of making you College and Career ready.

Please fill out the survey below:


  1. 1- you can use google apps so you can download them and use it for other stuff like teach your students or something.

    2-you can find apps like games,math etc

    3-to do your math in it,do some research in it,or do other stuff you need to do

  2. 1. You can video chat, send emails and have a calender.
    2. You can find gmail, google calender, google drive, google docs, google groups, google sites and more.
    3.You can send an email to your teacher if you need help on your homework. If you have a meeting at school write in your google calender to make sure you don`t forget. In google docs you could access a paper that you wrote in school through your phone.
    8th grade Yasmine :)

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  4. could video chat, send emails, find information, and have calenders could put your work online and have a teacher look at it could go to your email and send messages about homework to the picture can find educational apps. could check if you done the assignments and check your grade
