Thursday, October 4, 2012

Dropout Nation: Part 2

Please respond to the following questions before we continue to watch Dropout Nation:

1. What did you remember most about the first part of the video?

2. Do you think Sparkle, Marco, Lawrence, and the others will graduate?

3. Why do you think Marco thought of dropping out? Why did he come back to school?


  1. nothing


    because his whole family dropped out and he came back because of the teachers

    Eric S.

    1. it was about some kids who were in high school for a long time and the staff was trying to help them not drop out of school
      By Jonathan

  2. 1 that they were introducing all the kids
    2 i think that if they try hard they can graduate
    3 he thought that he wasnt completing his life so he went back to make himself proud.

    1. i think that they will graduate if they try harder in school
      By Jonathan

  3. 1. that some peoples parents are alcoholics and their children have their own jobs to take care of themselves.
    2. i think they will graduate because the teachers wont stop trying to convince them to graduate.
    3. he thought of dropping out because no one in his family has ever graduated from high school.

  4. 1.The people wanted to drop out.
    2.I think marco is because he wants to graduate i dont know about the other.
    3.His whole family dropped out and his mom might get deported.


  5. 1.watt i remeber abot the firs part of the movie was about boy and gril droping out of highschool.
    2.i think that it a good idea to try to graudei them.
    3.because her mom got depor and they allwAs have problums

  6. nothing


    because his family drop out, the teachers told him


  7. I remember that kids are trying to drop out of school. I think that if they try they can graduate. I think he went back to school because he wants to help him family.

  8. 1, I remember that some of the kids do not have home,
    2.I think they will if they try their hardest.
    3. Marco thought of dropping out to work and help his families because they deported his dad and they might deport his mother.He came back to school to set a good example to his little brother and graduate so he can too.-Bigdaddy

  9. 1. I remembered that some students were going to drop out.
    2. I think that they will graduate if they try.
    3. I think he dropped out because he needed to help his family. And he came back to school because he wants more money.


  10. 1. some students parents are alcoholics and their children have their own jobs to take care of themselves.
    2. if they try hard they can graduate
    3. Marcos family all dropped out and he wants to be the first out of his family to graduate high school
    El GRINGO/White-xican

  11. 1. something that i remember is that people didnt want to go to school and wanted to drop out of school.
    2.i think that they will graduate if they try really hard in school and get stuff done then they could graduate.
    3.he came back to school because his family dropped out of school and he was the only one that could help.

  12. 1: that hey were introducing all the kids game

    2: i think they will only if they try to graduate

    3:because he dint want to go to high school no more and he came back because he had his mind on going to high school.
