Friday, September 21, 2012

Bully The Movie

 Today you are going to reflect on your experience watching Bully: the movie

1. First go to the following link and read about the movie here:

2. Read the essays students wrote on Nicolas Kristoff's blog below:

Now here are the winning essays:
Teenage Girls; the Cruel Super Humans from Outer Space
By Lena Rawley, 17, from Montclair, N.J.
Teenage girls are cruel super-humans from a distant galaxy sent here to destroy us all. They have the self entitlement of a celebrity heiress and the aggression of a Roman Gladiator. Like vampires they feed off the blood of the weak. They’re pubescent monsters. Adolescent boogeymen.
While my observations may be coming from a point of bias, that doesn’t mean they are faulty in accuracy. As a teenage girl myself, I think I know teenage girls quite well. Not only was I a former teenage mean girl, but I was tortured, tormented, isolated and socially maimed by them as well.
When they acquire a target, teenage girls, with the determination of a private assassin, will stop at nothing to take down their target. They’re relentless. They’re cruel. Their methods are insane. They are never to be underestimated.
In middle school, I made the mistake of underestimating the power of these skinny jean clad monsters. I thought I was safe, I thought myself impervious to their cruelty. I watched them do on to others as they would later do on to me, and felt no fear.
I was a fool however, for teenage girls pick their targets by familiarity. They are less likely to torment someone small and insignificant and more likely to viciously turn on their friends. Preferably the weakest link in their group, prey who is easy for them to catch and take down.
I was the weakest link. I was the wounded gazelle. And thus, I became their target.
It was eerie because, when my eventual demise began, I had no idea what was going on. Yes it was slightly fishy that they had stopped calling me, stopped saying hi to me in the hallway, but I assumed it was just
Again, I was wrong.
Once the period of silence came to a close, all hell broke loose. Vicious rumors began spreading around and dirty looks and foul words were thrown my way in the hall. I was forced off the lunch table and into social leprosy.
Exactly a week after phase two (social alienation) had began I received an email from the ringleader of the group. I opened it up to reveal a headline that bluntly stated, “Fifty Reason Why We Can’t Be Friends With You.” Underneath the headline, as promised, were neatly fifty reasons, ranging from my body to my personality to my clothes, that clearly stated the reason for my alienation.
I felt sick.
But I wasn’t going to let them get me. Those hyenas didn’t deserve my tears. I deleted the note, picked up the pieces and moved on. I found friends who were kind and accepting. Friends who wouldn’t devour their own.
My experience, while evidently not ideal, is something I would not change. I don’t see it as a stain upon the fabric of my life, but more like an embellishment. A decorative brooch I wear with pride, a brooch that cries, I overcame bullying, so can you.
Too Late
By Alyssa Ahrens, 17, Indiana
A young girl walked through her high school halls, clutching a book tightly against her stomach, as if it were a shield. She has her hair loose, allowing the tendrils of it to gather by the sides of her face. Another shield. She stares pointedly at the floor, taking quick, hushed steps as she reaches the stairs. Gingerly, she climbs up them one step at a time, looking about her for that frighteningly familiar face. She feels the clamor of the students around her, brushing past her, fighting their way through the crowded hallways.
The world turns into blurs around her as she sights a face at the top of the stairs, lounging against the corner in the stairwell, smiling as it recognizes its prey.
It’s too late to turn around. It’s too late to hurry past. She’s been spotted… Too late. Too late. Too late.
Hands grab her book, and she is pulled to the corner. Cruel eyes crinkle in laughter.
No words are spoken.
In the breath of a moment, the girl’s hands are empty, flailing in the air for purchase as she is tumbling, falling backward. Her head meets a sharp corner, her hand hits the wall with a sharp crack. With pain erupting in her, she slides down the rest of the steps.
She hears something skidding across the floor by her head.
It is her book.
Her useless shield.
There is one more flash of that gloating smile before it rounds the stairs.
A few kids glance at her. One hands her book to her and gives her a hand up. The girl takes a quick inventory. Her hand hurts, head is throbbing, and ankle is on fire.
Nothing broken.
She is pushed forward by the teacher behind her, her voice chiming “Time to get to class,” methodically.
This girl is me. Just another student. Just another victim.
For 8 years, this is the world I have lived in. For 8 years, I have skipped lunch to get to the safety of the library, bury myself in books, and count the days till graduation. As of today, it is 64. I used to have five ve   hjyhjkhhjhjhjhjry close friends, friends who endured the same Hell as I did. Every day. Words like bullets, raining down upon you till there is nothing left. Those words hurt me worse than getting shoved down a flight of stairs ever did. Those words, that smile.. those are whereherehat make me wake up at night screaming. Those are what I see when I look in the mirror. Nothing. Worthless. Loser.
Sometimes they told us we were better off dead.
Two of my friends followed their advice. One never saw the age of 14, the other never got his license.
Never say that they are just words. Don’t think it’s our confidence that is the problem. It is the bullies.
It’s too late for me. Too late for a lot of kids. Nothing will undo the years I have spent questioning what I did wrong.
But for millions of other kids, it isn’t too late.
Bullying starts early and gets worse. Tackle it in elementary school. It isn’t cute. It doesn’t mean hereherethat the girl likes that boy or vice versa. It is bullying. It is dangerous. And it needs to be stopped. Before it’s too late.
My Hurt
By Madison Jaronski, 15, New Hope, Penn.
Tears have been flooding down my face; breathing is a task that now seems impossible. I draw my legs closer and closer into my chest as I try to transform the pressure into reassuring comfort. I begin to slowly rock myself and by now my tears have colored my pillow black. The lights are off and no one is home to hear my helpless cries. Thoughts are running mindlessly through my brain but the only word I manage to creathereheree is why. Why me? Why has this happened to me? Why has all of this happened in one year? One year. Those thoughts only seem to make me cry even louder. All the memories from past incidents now rush to my mind and I am now consumed, lost in my own sea of tears with nothing or no one to be my boat to take me to shore.
I honestly can’t recall how long I lay there that night. Any sense of time has vanished months ago for me because it does not matter what time or day it is: I knew I would be bullied. As I reflect upon this year, all of my accomplishments and enjoyable moments are overshadowed by the pain and harassment that was thrust upon me. Just looking at my surface, you would see, a confident young woman, as sturdy as a rock. You would never think that I was broken, broken into a million pieces like shattered glass, all because of the work of a group of sherehereenior boys. You would never think that I have starved myself multiple times due to my desire to fade into the backdrop of the world.
Whenever I build up the strength to tell someone about this year, I get the same old fake response “Oh my, how horrible, I am so sorry. But don’t worry, I have been bullied too so I understand.” The thing is though; that statement is never comforting because right then I think “Really… You have been verbally attacked while walking in your hometown and school? You have been betrayed by some of your closest friends? Spent many late nights to early mornings crying yourself to sleep? You have been publicly harassed? And still at the end of all of it, got blamed for every last thing too?” Nobody ever answers “yes” back. Never.
I hope I just took some of you back and made you realize that bullying is specific. No two acts of bullying are the same because bullying is always personal, always meant to strike home with that individual person, to make that individual feel as if she is completely worthless to the world. That is what a group of senior boys did to me this year, and I only got through this year because I had my closest friend right by my side, a beacon through this storm.

3. Answer the following questions and post them into the blog:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2.they not only can bully you at school they can bully you at home also.
    3.yes, because you can always help., because the bully knows what their doing and should be punished
    5.just drama not really bullying
    6.well no one is talking about each other their just mad at each other.
    7.i don't understand the Q not helping the student and not really punishing the bully letting it slip.
    9. because everyone gets bullied but some are brutally being bullied.

  3. 1.yes
    2.sometimes but not usually because i know how it feels to be bullied or something like that.
    3.putting post of someone else telling them things like if they are being "slut" most of people say that and post person photos. because you are not really helping on nothing and it becomes bigger and bigger if you don't help to stop it.
    5.i really don't know.
    6.ill say theres both they bully you by saying mean stuff of you and keep on doing it and brings more people to it and drama of saying things that aren't true about you.
    7.that people just put stuff or words in your mouth that aren't true. and the behavior will be mostly considered as a bully.
    8.i don't know . getting that bully a consequence and teach him a lesson by making him or her do community service or something for that person to understand that bullying is not a correct way to behave or even scare a person for a problem that happened. giving the bully consequences for their actions.

  4. 1.i;ve seen my someone getting bullied on line but they said sorry and said that they didn't mean it, and i have never joined anyone in cyber bully.
    2.they can make it even stronger because they are not just at school but at home wich makes it even worse.
    3.yes because bystanders dont help and just watch without helping them.
    4.i think it is necessary because they do need to stop bullying because alot of people face it and they cant stop it so the law helps them from people getting bullied.
    5.i would say both because we do have bullying but sometimes it becomes drama.
    6.behavior that is more seriouse is a little bit more then drama because drama is not like fighting phsically.
    7.they would just say oh boys would be boys
    8.they can sue them and they can tell the principal.
    9.i think that it would be alot because you will see bullying everywhere and it just happens to everyone.we cant get rid of it because we are living with it everyday.

  5. i have witness a victim being bullied and i didn't do anything about it because i didnt no that person so i didnt even bother saying anything.But now that i wacthed the movie Bully i regret not saying anything because the boy was crying

  6. 1.I have wittiness someone getting bullied once but I thought that they were just playing around,so i just left them alone.
    2.bullies would know that they would be heard but not stop.
    3.i don't agree with the statement because people can just be around at the wrong time and don't have anything to do with it.
    4.I think that it is fine because no one should be able to abuse one another.
    5.i say that at my school it is more like drama nothing too serious happens here.
    6.the difference between drama and serious behavior is that drama is like playing around while bad behavior can be physical.
    7.people that are new with that will probably say that boys will be boys but with other people they think of it as a crime or abusive.
    8.they can sue the bully and talk to the principal.
    9.i think that our schools and society don't extend it because it is causing people or kids to be depressed and to suicide at a young age.

    by miranda

  7. - I have never witnessed a bullying online and I did no join.
    - Bullys will know that they will be heard by everybody.
    -I agree with this statement about bystanders.
    -I think the anti-bullting laws are necessary because that is how bullys won't have a choice but to face the concequences.
    - I think there is only drama in my school.
    -Drama is when you play around without hurting anybody, while bullying is hurting someone physically or just with words.
    -I think this language adults use may be against young adults because they don't want to feel like the only victim,offending.
    -Adults can make a protest against bullying to have the bullys know what they are doing wrong and have the victims feel safe.
    -The bullying is fixed in school by talking to the bullys and having the adults talk to the students too so the bullys understand what they are doing wrong.


  8. -I have never witnessed any bullying and I have never joined.
    -The use of media can echo and amplify bullying because on online, you can not stop a bully right away.
    -I agree with the statement, who ever seen it not stop it, I supposed they are not innocent.
    -The laws I think they are fair, because everyone has rights.
    -I think there are just drama.
    -I think that language adults may think that are new that boys will boys, but other people think that it is a crime or abusive.
    -I don't know.

  9. * yes i have witnessed "people been mean or cruel" online.
    * Bullying amplifies and echo in the social media because since you are not seen the person face to face it is easier to talk bad about them.
    * Yes i agree with that statement.
    * i think that the laws in one way are necessary because i think bullies should get punished but at the same time they might go to far for something someone did because maybe they were bullying each other but one took it harshly and committed suicide.
    * I think that in my school there is bullying but also drama theres is not one single day without drama or bullying.
    * Drama is behavior that a person does to hurt someone else and behavior that is more serious is someone doing something to hurt someone and makes that person commit suicide or harasses him/her.
    * Idk using language like that might nit help either way they might not stop.
    * I really don't know because sometimes when they try to help in a couple of days or weeks the bullying comes back so idk way they can do to help.
    * It is normal to have cruelty i think every school has cruelty and bullying and it might get out of hand or not.
    -Odalys C.

  10. 1.No I've haven't seen any cyberbullying and no I've haven't joined in on it.

    2.The use of media can echo and amplify bullying because online,you can not stop a bully right away.

    3.yes i agree becuase you have seen it happen too someone.

    4.i feel its necessary because if it wasnt a law then kids would get bullied and they wouldnt do nothing it would a big problem.

    5.I'll just call it drama becuase rumors happen and then thats when the drama happens.

    6.I think there is no difference between those too things.

    7.most parents dont care and most parents try too do something.

    8.I dont know how to explain it.


    2.they not only can bully you at school they can bully you at home also.
    3.yes, because you can always help., because the bully knows what their doing and should be punished
    5.i say that at my school it is more like drama nothing too serious happens here.
    6.the difference between drama and serious behavior is that drama is like playing around while bad behavior can be physical.
    7.people that are new with that will probably say that boys will be boys but with other people they think of it as a crime or abusive.
    8.I really don't know because sometimes when they try to help in a couple of days or weeks the bullying comes back so idk way they can do to help.
    9.It is normal to have cruelty i think every school has cruelty and bullying and it might get out of hand or not.

  12. i have never witnessed people being mean or cruel online and i have never joined in.
    2.they could post a rumor about some one else and a lot of people start bullying them about it.
    4.i don't know
    5.i think that there's just drama but a little bit of bullying through social media.
    6.drama is when people make a big deal out of something and start involving others in it.
    8.they can contribute to the problem of bullying by helping the victim and doing something to stop the bullying.
    9.i think that cruelty is everywhere and it can't be stopped.
    by: monica cuevas

  13. 1.No I haven't witnessed people being mean or cruel online and no I haven't joined in.
    2.people can post rumors on the internet about other people
    4.i don't know
    5.there's a little bit of bullying and a lot of drama
    6.drama is problems and something more serious is people hurting and calling other people names
    7.i dont know
    8.they can go to the principle and talk to their kids about not bullying just gotta learn to deal with it or do something about it. its up to you


  14. 1***yes i have seen people being mean to other people online but that was a really long time ago on facebook but now i dont have a facebook so no.
    2***well i think everyone should stop bulling or cyberbulling because its not fair that people are getting mean messages or called mean gamees.

  15. 1.I seen people getting bully and i feel bad. I think i have join before but just playing thing.
    2.Echo and amplify is a bully because if you write something online it will always be there so people can see it.
    3.I agree about the term" there are no innocent bystander" because they aren't. They are just standing there doing nothing and that isn't helping the people who is getting bully while you can stand up for them.
    4.The law in New Jersey is good because not every place have law for bully.
    5.I would say drama but sometimes it goes into talking bad about each other.
    6.Drama is when people talking bad about each other and bully is talking about their looks or lies.
    7.The adult use this because victims are getting aim at and is getting bullied by.
    8.The adult could have talk to the bully and the bully can fake be nice and the adult think they change and they are better when they are still a jerky bully.
    9.It is normal because every school has it and i don"t think is it right they should have bully in their school.
    Cat 8th grade

  16. 1.No.
    2.They dont only bully you at school they can bully you on the internet also.
    3.Yes, because some bystanders see the people get bullied but dont say anything.
    4.Yes, because if they dont get in trouble for what they did they might bully other people and they might get hurt by the same person who bullied the other person.
    5.I would say there is drama.
    6.Drama doesnt involve people hitting each other or anything physical. Behavior that is more serious involves beating up and its more serious than drama.
    7.It sounds like it doesnt sound like it makes sense to us because we dont get it and we dont talk like that.
    8.They dont see whats going on and make them forgive each other even if they dont stop bullying.
    9.Bullying is something you can take out of school if you just try to tell the students to stop what they do to other students.
    -Alicia B.

  17. 1. I have not witnessed people being mean to others online.
    2. By shutting down the bully's account
    3. Yes because people are just standing watching others getting hurt when they actually do something and stop it.
    4. They are necessary because it stops people from cyberbullying
    5.I would say there is drama but sometimes it gets to the point where people talk bad things about each other
    6. The difference is that drama is just when people have problems with each other and talk and cry and bullying is when people get hurt physically and emotionally
    7.adults use this because the victims are aimed at and bullied
    8.the adult would talk to the bully and the bully can fake apoligize and the adult might think he will stop but he will still be a bully.

  18. never seen any people being cruel to others. people sreading rumors and posting it on facebook or twitter then a bully or someone mean hears about it then they start bullying that person they were talking about.

    3.WELL I THINK THEIR IS A Bystander because some might help others and then the bully might not do that again

    4.i dont know what to say my school their has not being no bullying but yea their has being drama
    6.the difference between drama and behavior is that drama other people cause it.
    8.they can contribute to the problem of bullying by helping the vicitim and doing something to stop the bullying
    9.i think that cruelty is everywere and cant stop

  19. why cant bullying just stop it keep on going on i went on tuesday september 18th to go see a movie a called bully you should see how they treat those 5 kids we learned about let me give you a hint like crap

  20. i realli dont get online like that so i say no

  21. yes because if your looking at a person getting bullied then you can help so the bystander is not innocent

  22. 1.I haven't witnessed any bullying.
    2.people spreading rumors saying bad things about them makes them want to do the same thing.
    3.i agree :)
    4.i don't know
    5. there is drama, but not bullying
    6.the difference is that drama people cause it
    7.they might think another way. helping them
    9 cruelty is everywhere and it could be stop

    -Karla :)


  23. ~ i have bullied hella kids i called this kid penguin
    ~drama is very hard to understand
    ~i dont know what embedded means ok
    ~ not my fault that kids get bullied
    ~block people u dont know or dont care about
    ~ yes or i dont know about
    ~ i dont live in nj

  24. 1. I have never witnessed someone being cyberbullied.
    2. You can use The internet to bully someone by tagging them in ugly pictures or showing people pictures to others online.
    3. Yes I do agree.
    4. I think they are nessacary because it stops other people from bullying others.
    5. In my school, there hasn't really been any bullying yet.
    6. The difference between Drama and things being to serious is Drama doesn't really go to far and it goes away fast.
    7. It might be alienating to young adults because the young adults because the young adults mioght have other things on their mind.
    8. Adults allow buyllying to continue by not really doing anything about it by just telling the bully to say sorry when they don't redally mean it.
    9. I think cruelty is everywhere and can't stop.

    -Grace W

  25. 1.I think i have joined in but i regret of doing it.
    2.By sending meanful comments to other over the internet
    3.Yes because when you see someone being bullied you should go and help not just stand there and watch.
    4.There are nessary because some people go way to far and doesn't know the limits.
    5.I think there is drama because lots of people like to start fight for no good reason.
    6.Some language they use is bystanders and bullies that are the one that start the problem.
    7.By not listening to what kids have to say and don't take care of it
    8.some kids even kill themselves just because of bullies and what mean hatred stuff they have to say.

  26. Have you witnessed “people being mean or cruel” online, as 88 percent of teens say they have? Have you joined in?
    How can the use of social media “echo and amplify” bullying?
    ~by other persons spreading rumors calling them bad names.
    Do you agree with the statement, “There is no such thing as an innocent bystander when it comes to bullying”?
    Are laws like New Jersey’s Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights necessary, or do they go too far?
    ~they are nessasary because they help you stop cyberbulling.
    Would you say there is bullying in your school, or would you just say there is “drama”?
    ~no there is no bulling i think in my school,but there might be drama.
    What’s the difference between “drama” and behavior that is more serious?
    ~the diffrence between drama and behavior is that bulling is people saying something false.
    Why might the language adults use to talk about bullying (“victim” and ” perpetrator,” for instance) be alienating to young adults?
    ~they can help the victim.
    How can adults — often unwittingly — contribute to the problem of bullying?
    ~they can help stop bulling.

  27. 1.i think no because i never seen any people being cruel to others
    2.i think that people spreading rummers and posting on like Facebook twitter then a bully or someone means head about it then they start bullying that person.
    3.i think that their is a bystander because some might help others and then bullying might not do that again.
    4.i think that they don't know what to say they can tot been bullying
    6.there is difference between drama and the kids behavior
    7. they can contribute
    8.the problem of bullying by helping the victim and doing stop
    9. think that everywhere can't stop bullying
    jessika rocha

  28. 1.haven't really seen people or witnessed bulling online because i don't really get online
    2.the social media can amplify bulling by letting every one see it and look at it
    3.i agree with that statement because if your watching it happen you can help stop it they are not nessasary
    5.i would say there is drama but not bulling
    6.the difference beteen drama and something seriuos is that drama is just little basic things while something serious is bigger
    7.the language is that the teachers talk to on the kids is bad because they just say things like it's ok it;s just apart of school contribue to the probelm by not showing sympathy
    9.not alot because to me the teachers won t put up with it

  29. 1.i have seen it on gmail someone getting bullied but i didnt join i tried to not get in because people were inviting me to get in but i refused.
    2.they can like tell that person and that person tells another person and that person tells on to everybody in facebook or on something else
    3.i have no idea
    4.yes they are nessasery
    5.there is been both but mostly drama
    6.drama is like roomers
    7.they make the situation worse & they make it worse
    8.they can help by stopping the bully and help the victim
    --M.A :)
    9.cruelty is everywhere and i think i cant stop no matter what.


  30. 1)no i have never seen that happen
    2)well i think there is a bystander because some might help others and then the bully might not do that again
    3)everyone can see it and join in
    4)i dont know
    5)yes they are nesasary
    6)there has been bullying and drama in our school
    the diff is that with drama involves more people and serious behavior can be like bullying
    7)they make it seem like one has more power over the other
    8)they make the situation worse
    9)i think that cruelty is everywere and cant stop


  31. -i have not seen anyone bully online.
    -because even though your online you are hurting someone
    -no i dont agree with that statement because they might be scared
    -they are good laws
    -drama because its not really bullying
    -the difference is that bullying is really really serious
    -drama can be dealed with easily
    -i think it would even bother them
    -i thought the movie was really interesting & this one story of a girl who only got through that year because of her friend,was interesting

  32. I read that one of the girls was a bully until the girls turned on her because she was the weakest chain and she became their target.-marmen cruz

  33. 1. I have never seen bulling on the internet.
    2. It can amplify because it is on the internet and every one is able to see what you have posted.
    3. I do no think there is anything like an innocent by stander because they they were watching they should have spoken up.
    4. i think it is just right.
    5, I think that at my school there is only drama but no bulling.

  34. 1.I haven't seen people being mean in the internet or been mean in the internet.
    2.You can use the social media to amplify because if you put something in the internet everybody can see


  35. 1. I have never seen bulling on the internet.
    2. It can amplify because it is on the internet and every one is able to see what you have posted.
    3. I do no think there is anything like an innocent by stander because they they were watching they should have spoken up.
    4. i think it is just right.
    5, I think that at my school there is only drama but no bulling.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. 1)no i have never seen that happen
    2)well i think there is a bystander because some might help others and then the bully might not do that again
    3)everyone can see it and join in
    4)i dont know
    5)yes they are nesasary
    6)there has been bullying and drama in our school
    the diff is that with drama involves more people and serious behavior can be like bullying
    7)they make it seem like one has more power over the other
    8)they make the situation worse
    9)i think that cruelty is everywere and cant stop

  38. 1.I seen people getting bully and i feel bad. I think i have join before but just playing thing.
    2.Echo and amplify is a bully because if you write something online it will always be there so people can see it.
    3.I agree about the term" there are no innocent bystander" because they aren't. They are just standing there doing nothing and that isn't helping the people who is getting bully while you can stand up for them.
    4.The law in New Jersey is good because not every place have law for bully.
    5.I would say drama but sometimes it goes into talking bad about each other.
    6.Drama is when people talking bad about each other and bully is talking about their looks or lies.
    7.The adult use this because victims are getting aim at and is getting bullied by.
    8.The adult could have talk to the bully and the bully can fake be nice and the adult think they change and they are better when they are still a jerky bully.
    9.It is normal because every school has it and i don"t think is it right they should have bully in their school.

  39. 9.i think that cruelty is everywhere and it can't be stopped. i feel sad for other people who get bullied and bullys who pick on other people. bullys arn't fit for school or education :D by: chris e

  40. 1. I have never seen bulling on the internet
    2. It can amplify because its on the internet and everybody can see it
    3. I do not think there is people that dont say nothing because they dont want to get in anybodys bisness
    4. I think it is ok
    5. nobody bullies at our school


  41. 1)no i have never seen bully in the internet
    2)well i think there is a bystander because some might help others and then the bully might not do that again and get youst it
    3. I do no think there is anything like an innocent by stander because they they were watching they should have spoken up.

  42. 1.never can ampfliy
    3.they should speak up
    4.its right
    6.drama is fake and other is real
    7.they make it worse
    8.they still make problems worse
    9.there is not
    11.nothing can


  43. 1. no i haven't
    2. It can echo and amplify because it is on the internet and every one is able to see what you have posted because a bystander can stand up and help the person being bullied.
    4. i think there should be a law for bullying because its dangerous
    5.yes empathy can be taught
    6. I would say drama but sometimes it goes into talking bad about each other and turns into bullying.
    7. adults can contribute to the problem by not doing anything
    8.being bullied feels bad
    9. schools can be made safer by ending bullying

  44. 1.i havent seen bullying online
    2. It can amplify because it is on the internet and every one is able to see what you have posted.
    3.i disagree because the people are just watching
    4.i agree

  45. 1.I haven't seen people being mean in the internet or been mean in the internet.

    2. It can amplify because it is on the internet and every one is able to see what you have posted

    3. I do no think there is anything like an innocent by stander because they they were watching they should have spoken up.

    4.i think that they don't know what to say when someone is bullying them.

    5. I think that at my school there is only drama but no bulling.

    6.drama starts so many problems.
    7.adults can contribute to the problem by not doing anything.
    8 they make the situation worse
    9.cruelty is everywhere and never be stopped.

  46. I don't agree with “There is no such thing as an innocent bystander when it comes to bullying” because what if someone wasn't doing anything

  47. I do not agree with the such thing of just seeing some problem and not doing nothing
