Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Google Apps for Education

Today we are going to get an introduction into google apps for education. We are going to start using Google Docs for most of our documents and spreadsheets. Eventually you will open your own account, but for today, we are just going to get an introduction.

Benefits of using Google Apps:
1. work from anywhere
2. collaborate on projects
3. never have to save or lose your documents
4. it's free and easy!

Read and find out more here. You can watch the videos to learn more: http://www.google.com/apps/intl/en/edu/k12.html

Find out about google apps.

1. What can you do with them?

2. What apps can you find?

3. Think of three ways you can use Google apps for school

4. post your reply on our blog, along with a websafe name to identify you. 


  1. Replies
    1. 1.You can use google apps for teachers and students.
      2.You can find really cool and educational apps like google docs where you can save documents and they won't be deleted.
      3.You can use it to save documents,do homework,and for checking your email.

    2. 1.You can build your business with secure, straightforward, cost effective productivity tools.
      2.google+ It is used to join a hang out, post a photo, or see your friends are sharing while you're on the go.
      3.You can use google search for school project.
      You can use google translate for translating words.
      You can use google earth to explore the universe.

  2. 1.something that we can do with them is for students,faculty,and for staff at qualifying,education institutions.

    2.they have buisness ,fun,and educational apps.

    3.we can use it to save student work on it,to keep our stuff private and safe on it,and and you can use it anywhere at any time. 8th gade girl:)

  3. 1. we can use them to help students education,faculty,and teachers for qualifying educational institutions.
    2.we can find useful, fun,or educational apps.
    3.three ways you can use google apps for school with their education, privacy,and help on hw.

    by patty.D in 8th grade

  4. 1. when you have Google Apps you Can work from anywhere id doesn't matter where you are And you also don't have to save your document because it saves by its self .

    2. Google forms , we used it to take a survey.

    3.you can use it when your writting documents also , it works everywhere and , you can collaborate on projects .

    -8th grade Naye .

  5. 1. You can save money,have privacy, and collaborate globally.

    2.You can find Google+ it is used to join a hang out,post photos, or see what your friends are doing while you're traveling.

    3.You can use Google translate to translate something you want into another language. You can use Google search to search something you aren't sure about. You can use Goggle earth to explore the different places in it.
    8th grade (Ally)

  6. 1.You can build your business with secure, straightforward, cost effective productivity tools.
    2.google+ It is used to join a hang out, post a photo, or see your friends are sharing while you're on the go.
    3.You can use google search for school project.
    You can use google translate for translating words.
    You can use google earth to explore the universe.
    8th grade(Cat)

  7. 1. You can use them for education or for work.

    2. you can find google form where you can make surveys like the one we took in the first day of tech.

    3. one way you can use google apps is to send emails to your teachers for help. another way you can use google apps is to go to different sites that can help you with your homework.a third way is to use calendars to remember important dates.
    8th grade

  8. 1.We can use these apps to help students with their education. We can use it for such as an email and calendaring system.
    2.Some apps include gmail,google calender, google drive, and much more.
    3. We can use it to help us in homework and remember important dates

    *evelyn 8 grade girl

  9. 1. Google Apps Can Help You A Lot By Finding Anything You Wanna Know ,That Can Also Help You With Your Education Like For Homework Something You Don't Know Go To Google And Just Look For It.

    2. iDont Know Any Google App ! i Just Use Any Kind Of App

    3. Classwork, Edmodo, Homework

  10. 1.you can go to your documents from anywhere and you can save your information without worrying about it being deleted.
    2.the apps you cna find are google apps for education, apps mail, calendar, docs, sites, and other tools
    3.three ways you can use google apps for school are for checking your email, saving your work,and going to school websites


  11. 1. What can you do with them?
    helps you get to places faster
    and helps you by getting info faster too.
    2. What apps can you find?
    Google search, chrome, Google drive
    3. Think of three ways you can use Google apps for school
    helps you to find info get good websites
    and helps you understand things you didn't understand before

  12. 1. You can go to your documents from anywhere and you can save your information without worrying about it being deleted.

    2. The apps you can find are goggle apps for education, apps mail, calendar, docs, sites, and other tools.

    3. Three ways you can use google apps for school are for checking your email, saving your work, and going to school websites.


  13. 1:you could use it for students, faculty, and staff at qualifying educational institutions.
    2:you could find google forms
    3:you could use google apps for school in three ways;you could check your email, you could save your work, and you could go to school websites

  14. 1.something that we can do with them is for students,faculty,and for staff at qualifying,education institutions.
    2.we can find useful, fun,or educational apps.
    3.you can use it when your writting documents,education & projects
    claudiaa ; 8th grade

  15. 1.You can find information about history and other helpful information.
    2. you can find cool math games or websites of your choice.
    3. Saves money by not having to manage an email solution because the apps are truly helpful when the full Google Apps suite is used by a district.
    4.Maria P.

  16. 1. You can use the apps to help students on their education.

    2. The apps you can find are google drive, calendar, docs, sites, chat and video and more.

    3.Three ways you can use google apps for school are for never having to save or lose your documents, for checking your email and for doing homework.

    ~ Odalys

  17. 1. you could use it for students, faculty, and staff at qualifying educational institutions.
    2. you can get fun and educational apps
    3. three ways you could use google for is school websites, school games and to do homework on the computer
    8th grade

  18. 1every can use it and can use it anywere.
    2it can be used for everything
    3you can use by cheking your emails. etc
    shorty and lokitah <3

  19. i use it for edmodo education and games

  20. 1 to check and do everything and find everything
    2 find cool education apps
    3 classwork and homework

  21. 1) First of all the apps o on google is very interesting go on youtube, google earth find the photos of a place you wanna go second you can post adds and they really should get an account that gets to go on some EDUCATIONAL and you really have to give some credit to the makers of google apps and then really use the apps when you need them

  22. 1.You can use google apps for teachers and students.
    2.You can find really cool and educational apps like google docs where you can save documents and they won't be deleted.
    3.You can use it to save documents,do homework,and for checking your email.

  23. 1. Can use it for students and staff and teachers.
    2.Used for anything.
    3. Check for what kind of homework you have. And to check assignments
    4. One app I learned about was Google Docs. IN google Docs, you can save documents from your computer to google documents. It would be easier if you have a gmail.

  24. 1. you can use it for test taking,student documents,and can use it anywhere.
    2.to get interesting apps and have fun when your bored.
    3.three ways to to use apps so you don't loose your documents everywhere you go.also to have a better education by looking up words.you can also use it for checking gmails.

  25. 1. You can do write and save documents in Google docs for school work and look for stuff in the Google search bar.
    2.Some apps on Google are Blogger,Maps,i Google,Sketch up,Places and other apps too.
    3.You can use Google apps to search for places,get directions,and to make blogs.You can also use this for doing school work and writing papers.

    This is very useful because we can do many things on it.

  26. 1.you can go to your documents from anywhere and you can save your information.
    2.it can be used for anything
    3.for never having to save or lose your documents, for checking your email and for doing homework.
    stephanie <3

  27. 1. You can use the apps to help students on their education.

    2. The apps you can find are google drive, calendar, docs, sites, chat and video and more.

    3.Three ways you can use google apps for school are for never having to save or lose your documents, for checking your email and for doing homework.

  28. 1. works anywhere and helps on projects
    2.help on homework
    3.it goes on edmodo and educational games

    luv me

  29. 1. you can find are google drive, calendar, docs, sites, chat and video and more.

    2 The apps you can find are google drive, calendar, docs, sites, chat and video and more.
    3. the apps are truly helpful when the full Google Apps suite is used by a district.
    Elizabeth A.

  30. 1. you can use it for sending homework.
    2. you can find it useful for looking up words
    3.you can save documents and work.


  31. 1.you can write and save documents.
    2.you can use it anywhere.
    3.you can save documents from the computer into google.

    1. 1. You can use the apps to help students on their education.

      2. The apps you can find are google drive, calendar, docs, sites, chat and video and more.

      3.Three ways you can use google apps for school are for never having to save or lose your documents, for checking your email and for doing homework.


  32. 1.you can save any type of documents
    2.u can use it anywhay
    3.u can save it on google


  33. 1.you can save your documents
    2.you can use it anywhere
    3.you can save your document with out flash drive and open it at home

  34. 1.you can write and save documents.

    2.you can use it everywhere.

    3.you can save documents from the computer into google


  35. 1: you can use google apps for students of their education.

    2:apps that you can find are calendar,education, and helping you for your homework.

    3: for your education,homework,and google.

  36. 1. you can use it to send all types of things to any type of electrical devise.
    2. one app is google calendar which tells you time day and hour of the year and month.
    3. finally it works at any type in any place!

  37. 1: you can use google apps for students of their education.

    2:apps that you can find are calendar,education, and helping you for your homework.

    3: for your education,homework,and google.

  38. 1.You Can Write and Save Documents.
    2.You Can Use It Anywhere.
    3.You Can Save Documents From The Computer Into Google.

    By Neto

  39. 1.you can write documents and save them
    2.you can use it anywhere
    3.you can save it on google


  40. 1.You can save documents.
    2.You could use it anywhere.


  41. 1. you can save any type of documents
    2. u can use it anywere
    3. u can save it on google


  42. 1. The apps are educational because it could also help you in homework
    2. You can find calander,drive,and doc apps
    3.yYou can save documents


  43. 1. The files are saved in Google Drive and can be edited by anyone and anywhere
    2. You can make your own calender and post things for each day
    3. You can connect to all the apps from Gmail


  44. they are made for kids that for get the h.w.



  45. 1.The apps are helpful for home work and school work
    2.You can find a calender,doc apps, and easy email acsess
    3.you can save on google

  46. 1. We could do stuff like typing documents and sending important emails.
    2.You can find apps like google docs and google calender.
    3.One way is typing worksheets, presentations and emailing important stuff to teachers

    By Hugo I.

  47. this is a good thing because you can write down your hw

  48. This is a good thing because you can write down your homework on this.

  49. 1.They can be used for an online techology center to use their email.

    2.You can save information like a folder to save data.

    3.You can also use it teachers can use it instead of getting some expencive program online.

  50. they make it for people that need apps or programs to do work slide shows or h.w.ect. google apps helps in lots of things that people need for work.

  51. 1.
    you can use it for test taking,downloads.documents.etc

    2. you can save information in a folder for the data

    3.we can find info faster

  52. You can use it for documents (saving), Homework and assignments.
