Monday, October 1, 2012

America's Dropout Crisis

We are going to be watching a couple of documentaries about the dropout crisis in America's public school. It turns out that kids start thinking about dropping out in middle school.

First Read the facts here:

Then: You will respond to the following questions BEFORE we watch the videos.

After we watch the movies, we'll also respond and hopefully come up with a plan for you in which you will pledge not to drop out!

Here are the pre-video questions:

1. Do you know anybody who has dropped out of school? Explain the situation as best as you can.
Yes , I know someone that has dropped out of school .They had to work and take care of there siblings that's why they dropped out of school.

2. What reasons did that person have, or what reasons have you heard that people drop out of school. Please write at least 2 reasons

3. What could schools do to make sure students don't drop out.

4. Do  you think life is different for kids who drop out compared to those that graduate? Please explain with thoughtful answers.

5. Do you think teachers should ignore kids who are in danger of dropping out and focus instead on students who really want to finish school?

6. What do you think happens to a community where half of students don't graduate?



  1. no i don't now anyone who has every drop out of school

  2. people might of have the reason to drop out of school because of being bullied in class by : chris :S

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Also because they probably think that their to cool for school

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 1.yea my mom grandparents dint have much money so she had to help them out.
    3.keep them locked in.
    4.yea sometime because maybe they graduate but didnt do anything. becausse need to give the same attention t the kids that want to drop out.
    6.they work much harder.

    christopher N

    1. idk any one who dropped out.3. schools can have special programs to help the kids who need extra help.4.i think that the kids who dropped out are sufferring and will turn into hobos.5.i think that the teachers should not ignore the kids who are going to drop out because they are doing the job just for the money.6.i think that they will not be living in homes and they will end up doing drugs because that will be the only way for them to have pleasure.

  5. people can make sure school are more safer for kids so they won't be bullied

  6. 4 im not sure if life who kids are diffrent when they gradute
    5 teachers should not ignore kids are in danger
    6 what happen if kids do not gradute they feel bad inside and sad :? by: chris e

  7. 1.nobody did
    2.child on the way,no money
    3.give family some money
    4.yes because they get a better life they try to support them
    6.not a good community

  8. 1. My mom dropped out of school
    3. i think schools should make it more intristing
    4. i think it is diffrent because people that drop out have less money and people that graduate have more things.
    5. i think teacher should not because they still need all the help they need.
    6. i think that people will leave because they dont like the reputation.


  9. people had to drop out because they had to help their family by working to make some money


  10. 1. my father dropped out of middle school to help his family in the fields.
    2. two reasons that he dropped out was because my family didn't have money and he had to help out to earn more money, also because my grandpa was getting sick and couldn't work on the farm no more.
    3. schools can make sure to teach every single student and give them hope to graduate.
    4. yes, because the ones who don't graduate get worse jobs that the ones who did graduate.
    5. no i think they should teach everyone so that they can give the students that don't want to graduate the privileged to graduate from high school.
    6. the community gets a bad reputation than other communities. IRINEO SANCHEZ

  11. 1.My sister drop out but she went back and she finish highschool.
    2.Sometime they have to go to worke and get money and they would drop out of school.
    3.they should give the same attation to everone
    4.i think that it differnt to cuzz then older people will not go to school because they like drugs

  12. people dont drop out of school because they get bullied they drop out because they want to help their family

  13. People drop out of school because they have to help their families. Schools can prevent student of dropping out by helping them into programs.


  14. i don't know anyone that dropped out of skool. i think half of the community didn't graduate because my be some of there parent don't support them and that's why they dropped out of skool.

    By; JwIzLy

  15. parents because they had to help their parents work
    2.theyre getting bad grades and they have to help their parents work
    3.they could pay more attention to their students
    4.yes because people who graduate can get better jobs while people who drop out cant make as much money and get bad jobs. because they have to give everybody a chance and help the kids who are gonna drop out
    6.there is alot of crime and danger


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. my parents dropped out of school the same reason as your parents dropped out of school

  16. 1:My mom because after middle school ended she had to begin work.

    2:Her first reason to drop out of school was because she needed to work to help her parents and because in mexico almost every kid in school drop out.

    3: To help them and do not let with the idea to dropped out of school.

    4: It is different because does who go to college
    get a better job and a lot of money but people that don't go to college they get poor jobs and not a lot of money.

    5: they should focus on both sides of persons.

    6:that half of that community will have good cars a good house and almost everything fancy but does people who dropped out have not good cars and kind of a good house.


  17. 1. My mom dropped out of school
    2. child on the way
    3. schools can make sure to teach every single student and give them hope to graduate
    4. yes because the drop outs will have less money than the people that graduated
    5. no becausse need to give the same attention t the kids that want to drop out.
    6. makes a bad reputation for the community

  18. 1 my cousin dropped out of elemntry and started working.
    2 he had to work with his dad.
    3.they can talk with the parents.
    4.yeah it is different because people who dont drop out can get a better job.
    5.they shouldnt ignore them and they need to try to help them
    6.the comminity is bad.

  19. parents dropped out of school because they needed to work
    2.i think they needed money to support the family
    also cause they lived in a little town ion mexico where there were no school can incorage the students to not drop out is different because people who graduate have better lifes and get payed more and people who dropped out dont get good jobs
    5.i think teachers should not ignore students
    6.i think the school gets bad reputation

  20. 1.yes my parents drop out of school for his famaly get good grades
    4. some kids drop out but there parents have a bussiness and people who graduate have a good job that pays you alot of money
    5. i think teachers should pay attention to all the students for they wont drop out
    6. idk

  21. 1.My dad dropped out of school at 5 th grade.
    2.the reason he dropped out was because he had to work and cause they did not had enough money.
    3. Make sure they get enough help for them.
    4. the difference between them is the one who go to school live a successful life while the one who drop out does not get a successful life.
    5. No it think they should focus on the one who drop out to get them to focus on and graduate.
    6. I think the community turns bad.

  22. 1. My Dad had dropped out to start working
    2. He dropped out because the economy was so hard and because my mom and dad had me in that age in my mom's stomach.
    3. support them and motivate them
    4. IT is different because you have a more harder life of working
    5. i think no because they are in danger of not having a successful life.
    6. Then that half starts to increase more and then next thing you know 75% don't graduate.

  23. 1. I do do not know anybody that has drooped out of high school.

    2.They do not care about there education or they think school is hard.

    3. They can make all the the homework really easy, or just make the class work a lot easier.

    4. Yes because if they have kids and there kids ask them if they can help him with the homework and they will say that they do not know how to solve it.

    5. No because the kids education is priceless and they get only only one chance to finish middle school and elemartry.

    6.They will not get a good job that does not pay alot of money,or they will not even get a job at all.

  24. My dad drop of because they lived in mexico and hischool because it was to far and they were poor back then.I don't know what schools can do so students dont drop out I just really don't.Theachers should focus on all of their students and if your just giving them all you can and they just don't want to just let them not have agoog carear.The comunity will be really bad if half on the people on earth dont graduate,graduating will really inprove the world oalso people who graduate are most likely good person

  25. 1. I do not know anybody that dropped out of school.
    2. I have heard that people think that it is too hard and too long.
    3. They can make sure that the students understand the work that is given.
    4. I think that people that drop out have a harder life because they end up with bad jobs because they do not have enough education.
    5. Teachers should try to help everyone so that no one will think about dropping out.
    6. They can end up with a lot of violence or they will have many good jobs that are vacant.

  26. 1My grandma dropped out.
    2People drop out of school because it is to hard.
    3They can give them extra help.
    4yes because they can get a better job.
    5No because they can finish school.
    6The community wont be as good as other communities.

  27. 1. My Cousin dropped Out At Middle School Because he didnt feel like going to school. He now Doesnt live cool he is Really Crazy and Has not Many Manners.

    2. He Dropped Out Because he didnt feel like going to school. He also Dropped
    Out Because He Was really lazy and didnt care.

    3. They Could make classes Fun and Not Just so boring and serious the whole time.
    They can Also add subjects that they enjoy and like.

    4. I think it is Different because they get First Choice in anything if they graduate. Its Also Different because they will get more money and a better life.

    5. I think they should focus on them because if they drop out the kids wont get a good life and the state also looses money.

    6. If half a community dont graduate it would be really "Ghetto" because people wont have good jobs and it would be crazy and unorganized.

  28. 1. No i don't know ant one
    2. they would just work help for money
    3. give them extra attention
    4. yes it is diffrent because the ones who graduate are more smart and drop out arn't
    5. i think that they shouldnt because if they are not helping then they will have a chance of dropping out
    6. they will join gangs

  29. 1. I do not know nobody that has dropped out.
    2. People drop out because they don't have money. They also drop out because they don't like school and they think it's hard or boring.
    3. I think schools should help them more and make a special program and put people that want to drop out in the program.
    4. Yea I think life is different because they don't get opportunities that other people that graduate get.
    5. I think yes and no. Yes so the kids that want to drop out get refocused and try harder. No because if you help them try to focus on school and they don't want to and they drop out,you'll just waste your time.
    6. I think the community won't be good anymore cause everybody will drop out.

  30. 1. i do not no one that droped out.

    2.1 reson people drop outis becusthey are bored and becuase they get lots of hw them more

    4.becuse they get not good jobs. becuase they are going to stay.

    6.there perents are not happy at them

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. 1. My dad told me he dropped out of 6th Grade
    2. He said his parents had no money so he had to work
    3. Show them the outcome for their actions
    4. People who drop out cant get a Job and a good salary and people who stay in school have a successful life and a great job
    5. Teachers should only focus on kids who try hard PARENTS should focus on kids their own kids who are struggling
    6. I think it wont turn out good.

  33. 1.Yea cousin dropped out and now his life is awesome.
    2.He didn't like school and he got a job being a BOSS!
    3.Not give allot of homework and school work.
    4.yea people that graduate get better jobs but people who don't just be chilling and being with the homies
    5.No they should help them
    6.they turn retched and ghetto.

  34. HELLO :( :) :} :{ :[ :] :< :> :/ :| :\ :?

  35. 1.I have three brothers who have dropped out of high school.
    2. It was the streets and violence there was too much and they almost never had somebody told them that whats wrong and whats right.
    3.Talk with the students and be easy on them.
    4.Yes because the one who graduates have not alot of stress while the ones who do have more stress.
    5. No should focus more on ones who are gonna drop out.
    6. It starts to get worse.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. mom dropped out of school
    2.she dropped out of school becauce she had a baby them is different becauce it hard work
    5.i think no becauce they are not going to fail life
    6.then more people dont graduate

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. 1. Do you know anybody who has dropped out of school? Explain the situation as best as you can.
    Ye my parent because they need to support their family.

    2. What reasons did that person have, or what reasons have you heard that people drop out of school. Please write at least 2 reasons
    support family and poor.

    3. What could schools do to make sure students don't drop out.
    to help them to get better grades.

    4. Do you think life is different for kids who drop out compared to those that graduate? Please explain with thoughtful answers.
    yes because the one who graduated gets better jobs in life.

    5. Do you think teachers should ignore kids who are in danger of dropping out and focus instead on students who really want to finish school?
    no they should they should try to help them.

    6. What do you think happens to a community where half of students don't graduate?
    i think haft of them would have a harder life in later on life.
    XXHoney Boo Boo Child:3

  41. Replies
    1. hey you should make a better effort at things

  42. 1.yes i know someone who dropped out
    2.she dropped out because she pregnant
    3.they can support them and talk to the family a serious conversation
    4.yes it is because they dont know the things that graduates do drop outs sit in the house all day.
    5.kinda and kinda not because like that's right but at the same time its their choice.
    6.i mean its just happens they don't graduate

  43. mom and dad dropped out of school when got to 8th grade
    2.she dropped out because my mom got pernant with me. and my dad was stressted out
    3.they could support them
    4. it is different becuase its hard work.
    5. i think no becuase they are not going to fail life
    6.then more people dont graduate from high school.


  44. 1. My brother dropped out of school when he was in 11th grade.
    2. I don't know why he dropped out. I think it was just stupid of him.
    3. Schools can make sure that students with lower scores can get help, and they can support them.
    4.It is different to those that did graduate and the ones that didn't because the ones that graduated have an easier life than the ones that didn't because they had to work hard.
    5.No, because they are not going to succeed in life.
    6. I think that a community with people that don't graduate, will be a little dangerous because then people will rob and kill to survive.

    -Evelyn Salinas

  45. 1. Yes I know someone who dropped out
    2. They dropped out because the neighborhood was too dangerous and because they had to help their mother.
    3. They can make sure to help them out when they need help, or give the student tutoring.
    4.I think yes because the students who graduate can get a better job than the ones who dropped out because they have more knowledge.
    5.I think no because the other students need more help than the ones who are doing great in school.
    6.I think the community will get bad because half of the kids don't know how to do as many things as the kids that graduated.

  46. 1. my dad dropped out because he his mom got sick so he had to help support his family.
    2.his mom got sick.
    3. support the students and talk to them to encourage them.
    4. i think there lives are different because they miss out in good jobs and miss out in a social life.
    5. no teachers should focous in every student.
    6.i think there community is bad and people struggle alot.


  47. 1. my grandma had to drop of school to work at home.
    2. my grandma had to clean the house and her mom needed her to stay so she help around the house.
    3.they should support them.
    4.Usually when kids drop out they cant get a good job but kids do graduate they get a better and high quality.
    5. I think teachers dont need to focus on the kids that dont want to learn because thats why the kids drop out school.
    6.Then the commutative want have employes or etc.

  48. 1. i dont know anyobdy who dropped out
    3. they could make school fun
    4.yes becuase the ones who graduate can get a better than those who dont graduate.
    5. no they should focus on everyone to make sure they be successful in life.
    6. i think thier community is bad so they struggle alot.

    lorena deanda(:

  49. dad
    2.he dropped out because he didnt like school
    3.explain they need education to succeed in life
    4.yes because they end up not getting a good job
    5.they should talk to them and try to convince them to stay in school
    6.i dont know

  50. 1. yes i know someone who dropped out of school because they didn't have enough money to stay in school for so long and worked at a young age in the house and outside the house.
    2.worked at a young age in the house and outside the house, didn't have enough money to pay to stay at schoolhouse.
    3.give them extra support or even give that person a scholarship to help them stay in school without no problem.
    4.yes they are different than the others because they just stay home or at the streets not learning good things like things that can help them later in life.
    5.i think that there should be an extra teacher to help that specific person/s so the other teachers could help those kids that want to graduate.
    6.the community can become dangerous or the kids can be doing drugs or others can be going to the library to study and try to go on for a better future .

  51. 1.YES,I know someone who dropped out of school because they couldn't handle authority.
    2.they would say their teachers didn't like them or they were being bullied.
    3. if a child doesn't like someone they should have a meeting to clarify things and some one should be punished
    4.they probably don't give up like other students or strive for more or do better in school.
    5.yes and no if a child does really want to be in school but doesn't feel smart enough they should try with them but if they don't want to be in school then let them be.
    6.there are a whole lot of HOBO'S or unemployed people.

  52. sister dropped out of high school
    2.She dropped out because she got pregnant
    3.they can get personal tutors for them and get good teachers
    4.people who dont graduate are way different from people who graduated because people that graduated can go to college because they have their high school diploma i think they should notice them and help them out more so they have some confidence
    6.i think the half of the kids that didnt graduate would have a harder life and have a hard time getting a job.
    by patty:)

  53. 1. Do you know anybody who has dropped out of school? Explain the situation as best as you can.
    yes, they dropped out of school because they had to take care of their baby and work.

    2. What reasons did that person have, or what reasons have you heard that people drop out of school. Please write at least 2 reasons
    they had a baby and had work to buy food for their baby

    3. What could schools do to make sure students don't drop out.
    help them more with their school work and talk to their parents and tell them is important to graduate from school

    4. Do you think life is different for kids who drop out compared to those that graduate? Please explain with thoughtful answers.
    yes because the kids who graduate have a better life and have a good job but the kids who dont graduate sometimes dont have a job and dont have enough money to pay their bills or stuff

    5. Do you think teachers should ignore kids who are in danger of dropping out and focus instead on students who really want to finish school?
    no because the students have the right to graduate

    6. What do you think happens to a community where half of students don't graduate?
    then more people would have a harder life\

  54. 1.They had to work and take care of there siblings thats why they dropped out of school.
    2.They should include the student advice of what they want to include in the school so they will have a better way of them wanting to learn.
    3.It is dieffrent because the people who actually get to be somebody in this world they have a better chance of suceeding.
    4.They teachers should especially focus on the those kids are planning of dropping out and the tacherd should give them advice of what the consequences can be .
    5.The community will be filled of enployment and there would be a lot of people that don't have a way on surving because they don't have no jobs.

  55. 1.My grandma dropped out of school
    2.My grandma had to take care of the home and they said that only men should go to school and the women should take care of the home
    3.When they see that they look like they are confused they should give them extra help. If they try to drop out they should have a meeting with their parents.
    4.Yes, because the students who drop out might have a harder time earning money and the ones that graduated might have good jobs and won`t have a hard time earning money.
    5.Teachers shouldn`t ignore them because if kids aren`t doing good in school it`s probably beacuse they don`t understand what they are learning so they should give them extra help and leave alone the kids that catch up to the leaerning quicker.
    6.Half of the people would have low paid jobs and the others would live a good life.
    -Yasmine :)

  56. dad didn't finish school because he had to start working.
    2. The reason why he stopped was to support his family and a one reason other people drop out is because school might be too hard for them.
    3.They can tutor the kids that need it.
    4.It' different because the kids that stay at school works hard and has a better education while the kids that drop out loose their education and might not have a good job.
    5.Teacher's shouldn't let the kids just drop out and just pay attention to the kids that want to learn because the kids might think it's okay to just drop out.The teachers should help them all.
    6.I think in that community must be either kind of bad or poor.

    BY:Miranda :)

  57. 1. Do you know anybody who has dropped out of school? Explain the situation as best as you can.
    **I really don't know anybody who dropped out

    2. What reasons did that person have, or what reasons have you heard that people drop out of school. Please write at least 2 reasons

    ***Some reasons that people drop out is because they say they are to dumb for school because they have bad grades

    3. What could schools do to make sure students don't drop out.
    **they can tutor the students

    4. Do you think life is different for kids who drop out compared to those that graduate? Please explain with thoughtful answers.
    **I think that life for kids that drop out of school is different to the kids that graduated because they cant find a good job than those who do graduate they find a nice job

    5. Do you think teachers should ignore kids who are in danger of dropping out and focus instead on students who really want to finish school?
    **I think teachers should not ignore them because all teachers want their student to get to college and teachers should focus more on both students.

    6. What do you think happens to a community where half of students don't graduate
    **they will have a bad life the people who didn't grtaduated

  58. 1. my sister in law
    2. she was prego
    3. support them
    4. that people who graduate get a good job and well payed to support a family and people who drop out and need to get a job and finding one isnt easy
    5.i think they should ignore them because they arent trying
    6.then it becomes a bad community


  59. 1. Do you know anybody who has dropped out of school? Explain the situation as best as you can.
    I know a boy who dropped out because he did not pass 8th grade

    2. What reasons did that person have, or what reasons have you heard that people drop out of school. Please write at least 2 reasons
    1 reason because they get pregnant
    2 because they give up
    I think he dropped out because he did not pass 8 grade

    3. What could schools do to make sure students don't drop out.
    Talk to them about it

    4. Do you think life is different for kids who drop out compared to those that graduate? Please explain with thoughtful answers.
    it is diffrent because the ones who finish school has a better life
    and the ones who dropped out is just staying home

    5. Do you think teachers should ignore kids who are in danger of dropping out and focus instead on students who really want to finish school?
    Teachers should help them

    6. What do you think happens to a community where half of students don't graduate?
    They dont get a job

  60. 1my parents dropped out of school.
    3help them enjoy school.
    4yes life is different for a person that graduates and for a person who doesn't.
    5teachers shouldn't ignore kids, they should focus on both kids.
    6the community goes down.


  61. 1. Do you know anybody who has dropped out of school? Explain the situation as best as you can.I DON'T KNOW NO BODY WHO DROP'ED OUT.

    2. What reasons did that person have, or what reasons have you heard that people drop out of school. Please write at least 2 reasons. IDK

    3. What could schools do to make sure students don't drop out.

    4. Do you think life is different for kids who drop out compared to those that graduate? Please explain with thoughtful answers.

    5. Do you think teachers should ignore kids who are in danger of dropping out and focus instead on students who really want to finish school?

    6. What do you think happens to a community where half of students don't graduate? GET BAD AND NOT COOL.

  62. i dont know anybody.
    2. reason 1: to support family reason 2:they are on drugs are pregnant or just dont like school
    3.they can tutor the students and make class funner
    4.i think that they have a different life because the ones who graduate have a better life and are more sucessuful than the ones who drop out

  63. 1.No i don`t know anyone who has dropped out of school except my mom
    2.My mom dropped of school because she had to help my grandma in the house my mom is the 2 oldest so she would feed her siblings which they are about 10 people to feed
    3.i think they could try to make school fun.
    4.yes because they don`t get to have good jobs like we do.
    5.i don`t think that teachers should ignore them i think that they should help them not to drop out
    6.then they don`t get good jobs and then the kids are going to want to go and beg to have a certificate that they want to high school again.


  64. 1. I don't know anybody that dropped out of school.
    2. I don't know anybody who dropped out of school.
    3. Schools need to support that student and encourage them to learn.
    4. Those that drop out of school don't have the same knowledge as the ones that graduated.
    5. The teachers should try and help those students that are in danger of dropping out.
    6. I think that the ones that don't graduate don't have a not very good job.


  65. No.
    Getting pregnant young.
    Taking their baby to school. or having their parents take care of it.
    Yes, because its harder to get a good job that gives you a lot of music.
    No because everyone needs to be encouraged.
    Our community would be bad in the future bc everyone would be too ignorant.
    - Karen ^-^

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. 1.My Cousin Dropped Out Of High School At The Age Of 14
    2.I Guess Because They Don't Really Like School & Don't Care About Their Feature. Maybe Also Because Parents Need Them More In The House.
    3.They Try To Support Them Telling Them What Are The Consequences If They Drop Out. They Try To Change Their Minds.
    4.Yes Because The Ones That Graduate Have A Better Life With More Money & They Don't Have To Worry A Lot About Money. The Ones That Don't Graduate Have A Poor Life & They Always Have To Worry About Money And Where To Live.
    5.I Guess They Should Mind About The Other Kids That Don't Wanna Drop Out Of School Because Even If They Try To Help The Kids That Wanna Drop Out Of School The Kids Wont Do Anything To Help Themselves.
    6.I Think The Community Would Have A Bad Reputation.

  68. i dont know anybody.
    2. reason 1: to support family reason 2:they are on drugs are pregnant or just dont like school
    3.they can tutor the students and make class funner
    4.i think that they have a different life because the ones who graduate have a better life and are more sucessuful than the ones who drop out

  69. 1. I don't know anybody that dropped out of school.
    2. I don't know anybody who dropped out of school.
    3. Schools need to let us play with the parachute in PE
    4. Those that drop out of school don't have the same knowledge as the ones that graduated.
    5. The teachers should try and help those students that are in danger of dropping out.
    6. I think that the ones that don't graduate don't have a not very good job.

  70. If people stop going to school and don't go on to college the schools will loose money and it would really effect your life later on.I dont know anybody who stoped going to school so i dont no how they would live their life.

  71. 1. No, I don't know anyone who has dropped out of school
    2. I hear people dropped out of school because they just thought it was boring and a waste of time and thought they had something better to do.
    3. Schools should probably try encouraging the students and try making what they're learning more easier.
    4. Yes, I think life is different for people or actually graduated because they were able to feel good and they were able to go to go to a good college and get a good job.
    5. I think they should probably focus on both of them because while the teachers are trying to make the kids not drop out the others that actually might feel like they aren't getting the attention they need and might want to drop out theirselves.
    6. I think that their community isn't that great because most of the drops out probably won't know alot.

  72. 1.nope dont know anyone
    2.because they think school is worthless &its not important
    3.give them more attention because they will continue with their normal lives because they need the more attention
    6.more people want to drop out

  73. i dont know anybody.
    2.reason 1: to support family and also because some of my family members are on drugs or just dont like school like me :)
    3.they can tutor the students and make class funner not like others :(
    4.i think that they have a different life because the ones who graduate have a better life and are more sucessuful than the ones who drop out:/

  74. 1. No, I don't know anyone who has dropped out of school
    2. I hear people dropped out of school because they just thought it was boring and a waste of time and thought they had something better to do.
    3. Schools should probably try encouraging the students and try making what they're learning more easier.
    4. Yes, I think life is different for people or actually graduated because they were able to feel good and they were able to go to go to a good college and get a good job.
    5. I think they should probably focus on both of them because while the teachers are trying to make the kids not drop out the others that actually might feel like they aren't getting the attention they need and might want to drop out theirselves.
    6. I think that their community isn't that great because most of the drops out probably won't know alot.

  75. 1.I think that one of my siblings dropped out of high school.
    2.I guess that they don't really like school. or they needed to support their families by working.
    3. they could support them
    4.Yeah it is because they don't get a good job.
    5.I think they shouldn't.
    6.they would have a bad reputaation.

    karla \


  76. my cousin drop out of middle school to have her baby

  77. 1)I don't know anyone who dropped out of school.
    2)I Maybe because they got bullied or had to start working.
    3)Have support groups to help kids that want to drop out.
    4)Yes because they don't know as much and might not gain as much money.
    5)NO, They should support the ones who want to drop out so that they change their mind.
    6)The community want have people who work for a variety of jobs and everyone would have almost the same job.
    By: Minee j.g.

  78. 1. I don't know anybody.
    2. I don't know anybody.
    3.they can tutor the students
    4. that people who graduate get a good job who drop out and need to get a job and finding one isnt easy it takes forever im not kidding
    5. The teachers should try and help
    6.the community goes down.
    Elizabeth A.

  79. 1.My cousin dropped out of school.
    2.He got bored and wanted to work instead.
    3.They can tutor students or have a talk with them and try to convince them.
    4.Not really because when they drop out,they learned already a little and people who graduate still work.
    5.Well not really because we are all the same so they have to help all of us.
    6.Well it looks bad because its just a smaller group.

  80. 1. i dont know nobody. more attention to their funner
    3.encourage the students that you are nothing in life if you dont go to college or school
    4.yes i think its diffrent because if you have a high school diploma you get a better job
    5.well so/so but they have to encourage the ones that want to drop and help the ones that do want to go to school all bad

  81. 1.if people stop going to high school it will affect there life later on like going to collage or getting a good job because you don't have a good education
    2.i know a person who dropped out of school and now it's hard for that person to get jobs
    3.the schools will get more money for having more kids at there school
    4.the difference is that ppl who drop out dont get education and dont know much comapred to the ppl who dont drop out they know more way more and can get to better places in there life
    5.i think they should because the teachers cant help the kids that dont want to help themselves

  82. 1. no idont know any one
    2. idk i said knowone i know has drop out
    3. making it entertaining
    4. some yeah because some have cerears and others dont and make money\
    5. yeah cuz its theire problem that they drop out and teachers shouldnt waste their time
    6. idk

  83. 1. Yes , I know someone that has dropped out of school .They had to work and take care of there siblings that's why they dropped out of school.
    I do know someone that has dropped out.He said it was a little hard so he didn't want to go anymore.

    2.He was sick of school and it was hard for him.I have also heard that they think it is a waste of time.

    3. I don't know what schools can do to help kids not drop out.

    4.there life is different because the ones that grADuated have a good job and know more than others.

    5. Do you think teachers should ignore kids who are in danger of dropping out and focus instead on students who really want to finish school?

  84. 1.My mom dropped out of school because she had to help out my grandma and help her sister and brothers.She didn't want to but she knew she had to.
    3.encourage kids make none is hurting them or have problems at home.
    4.yes because the one who graduates have alot of money and dont suffer as much as the people who don't.the people who graduate have fun with their careers.
    5.i think they should try to encourage the kids who are in danger of dropping out and know why.
    6.others want to do it as well and it provides a bigger amount of people.
    am :)

  85. 1. Do you know anybody who has dropped out of school? Explain the situation as best as you can.
    Yes , I know someone that has dropped out of school .They had to work and take care of there siblings that's why they dropped out of school.

    2. What reasons did that person have, or what reasons have you heard that people drop out of school. Please write at least 2 reasons

    3. What could schools do to make sure students don't drop out.
    Teachers should talk to studendts and their parents to find a solution to the problem of why the want to drop out.These students should get mor support by making a plan of how to help them and their families if they are dealing with money problems.Teachers shuold be aware if one of there students is in danger of dropping out they should ask to see whats going on and help them get that idea out of their head if they problems as reasons

    4. Do you think life is different for kids who drop out compared to those that graduate? Please explain with thoughtful answers.

    5. Do you think teachers should ignore kids who are in danger of dropping out and focus instead on students who really want to finish school?

    6. What do you think happens to a community where half of students don't graduate?
    didnt finish

  86. 1.I know dropped out of school because he had to help his family earn money and he had to work when he was 15 years old.
    2.People drop out of school because maybe school is to hard for them or they don't have enough of money.
    3.Teachers should tutor kids if they need it and tell them the consequences of dropping out.
    4.YES because the people who graduate have more opportunities of getting a good job.

  87. i my dad because in came to oakland an he got to 6th grade and he drop out of school.
