Monday, October 8, 2012

Life Maps

Now that you have finished watching Dropout Nation, we are going to start making a Life map to plan your future. You will be using, a better way to make a presentation. Then you will think of one (maybe two) life goals. Please keep it realistic and try not to choose soccer player,rapper, or movie star. We are not trying to discourage you from these fine endeavors, but let's face it. Very few make it to the pros. Your job here is to think of a career goal. Sports and music can help you get there, so you can include them in your life map, but your goal should be a career like Crime scene investigator, or architect,or immigration layer, to name a few. Once you have a goal, we will backwards map (work backwards) and think of all the steps you need to get there. You will be researching what requirements that field you chose has. What education you need, what skills you need to pick up. What attitude and study skills you might need, what college major, or what classes you think you might need to enroll. Also think of things that you need to avoid! such as the streets,laziness, gangs, drugs, getting pregnant, etc. Life Map: 1. come up with one life goal. 2. make a list or timeline with all of the steps you need to get there. 3. Research online (start here at Map Your Future) 4. Gather images and videos that you can use in your Prezi (see below) Prezi: 1. Become familiar with Prezi 2. Register with your own account or use our own email (posted on our wall). 3. Do the tutorial 4. Start building your Life map! 5. Embed your life map into this blog and make comments on others.

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