Friday, October 19, 2012

Tech class- Mon/Wed Plans

Hello Middle schoolers.

As you know, Mr. Nieto is out Monday and Tuesday. You are expected to follow the same rules as when he is there. You will have the entire period to try all the following online learning activities. You can spend as much time as you want on any of them. Each of the links below has a little explanation about what to do.

1: ESL classroom - Reading Goal: to use your vocabulary and word study skills to reveal the hidden message!

ESL classroom has several activities. Try the Reading Rhubarb and try to figure out the mystery text. Remember: plurals and singulars are two different words. Start with simple words like : 'is' , 'the', 'and', and so forth. Try not to use the hint option too much as it

2. Questionaut: Use your maths, English, and Science knowledge to move through this puzzle in a beautiful environment

Hint: On the first level, try to get the old man to stop reading...

3. Whack Attack: Use more Math and Science Skills to move through this game.

4. Duplox: Goal is to use your Geometry, Rotation, Coordinate plane skills to move the blocks using the arrow keys. Try to avoid falling!

5.  Battleship Number line: Play the decimal level in 7th and 8th grade

6. State of the Debate:  It's the year 2020 and Just-Co have banned hoodies, and you've just been spotted wearing one. Can you talk your way out of trouble using your English Language skills?

Ok, there is plenty here for you to try. If you see another game on BrainPop or Bitesize, go ahead and try it. but puhleeeze! no more Cool Math Gamez. That's just junk food masquerading as math! Ok, one exception: try Free Rice if you want to. 

Mr. Nieto misses you! 


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