Thursday, November 1, 2012

Vocabulary Practice

Good morning!

Today we will warm up with the following vocabulary actiivity:

Try the quiz on level 2. If it is too hard, try level 1.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Edmodo sign up

Hello Class,

Most of you should be familiar with edmodo and how we can use it to communicate and keep track of our learning. We will be using edmodo in tech class to complete assignments, share resources and stay connected with each other's learning.

Each class has their own invite code. Use the code to join your appropriate group. For security reasons, I will provide you with these codes in class.  

8th grade girls:
Use this link to access the join page:

8th grade boys use this link:

7th grade girls click here:

7th grade boys navigate to this url:

Once you go to Edmodo, you will see an assigment. follow the instructions from there.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Tech class- Mon/Wed Plans

Hello Middle schoolers.

As you know, Mr. Nieto is out Monday and Tuesday. You are expected to follow the same rules as when he is there. You will have the entire period to try all the following online learning activities. You can spend as much time as you want on any of them. Each of the links below has a little explanation about what to do.

1: ESL classroom - Reading Goal: to use your vocabulary and word study skills to reveal the hidden message!

ESL classroom has several activities. Try the Reading Rhubarb and try to figure out the mystery text. Remember: plurals and singulars are two different words. Start with simple words like : 'is' , 'the', 'and', and so forth. Try not to use the hint option too much as it

2. Questionaut: Use your maths, English, and Science knowledge to move through this puzzle in a beautiful environment

Hint: On the first level, try to get the old man to stop reading...

3. Whack Attack: Use more Math and Science Skills to move through this game.

4. Duplox: Goal is to use your Geometry, Rotation, Coordinate plane skills to move the blocks using the arrow keys. Try to avoid falling!

5.  Battleship Number line: Play the decimal level in 7th and 8th grade

6. State of the Debate:  It's the year 2020 and Just-Co have banned hoodies, and you've just been spotted wearing one. Can you talk your way out of trouble using your English Language skills?

Ok, there is plenty here for you to try. If you see another game on BrainPop or Bitesize, go ahead and try it. but puhleeeze! no more Cool Math Gamez. That's just junk food masquerading as math! Ok, one exception: try Free Rice if you want to. 

Mr. Nieto misses you! 


Thursday, October 18, 2012

What is your Life Goal? (for now)

As you know, we are making our life maps about what are future career goals are and what we have to do to get there. Before we can continue working on our Prezi, we need to step back and reflect on a few things. Please answer these questions. You don't have to post your responses in the blog. If you wish, you may use LibreOffice available on your computer. Or you may choose to write an email to yourself in order to keep your responses more private. If you don't care, go ahead and write them as blog comments. Remember, this is meant to get you to think through what you are going to be adding to your Prezi.
Here are the questions: 1. What career do you envision for yourself in the future? 2. What makes this career appealing to you? Please explain. 3. Do you know of anybody who has this occupation/career? You can write about someone you don't actually know. 4. What kind work will you be doing if you choose this occupation/career? 5. Does this career require any special type of education? 6. Do you know the salary or average income for this type of occupation? 7. Are you interested in this career because you think it wil help yourself? other people? both? Explain. 8. Are there job openings out there for this kind of occupation? try to find out if there are any openings nearby! Write two down.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Life Maps

Now that you have finished watching Dropout Nation, we are going to start making a Life map to plan your future. You will be using, a better way to make a presentation. Then you will think of one (maybe two) life goals. Please keep it realistic and try not to choose soccer player,rapper, or movie star. We are not trying to discourage you from these fine endeavors, but let's face it. Very few make it to the pros. Your job here is to think of a career goal. Sports and music can help you get there, so you can include them in your life map, but your goal should be a career like Crime scene investigator, or architect,or immigration layer, to name a few. Once you have a goal, we will backwards map (work backwards) and think of all the steps you need to get there. You will be researching what requirements that field you chose has. What education you need, what skills you need to pick up. What attitude and study skills you might need, what college major, or what classes you think you might need to enroll. Also think of things that you need to avoid! such as the streets,laziness, gangs, drugs, getting pregnant, etc. Life Map: 1. come up with one life goal. 2. make a list or timeline with all of the steps you need to get there. 3. Research online (start here at Map Your Future) 4. Gather images and videos that you can use in your Prezi (see below) Prezi: 1. Become familiar with Prezi 2. Register with your own account or use our own email (posted on our wall). 3. Do the tutorial 4. Start building your Life map! 5. Embed your life map into this blog and make comments on others.

Prezi is here!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Dropout Nation: Part 2

Please respond to the following questions before we continue to watch Dropout Nation:

1. What did you remember most about the first part of the video?

2. Do you think Sparkle, Marco, Lawrence, and the others will graduate?

3. Why do you think Marco thought of dropping out? Why did he come back to school?

Monday, October 1, 2012

America's Dropout Crisis

We are going to be watching a couple of documentaries about the dropout crisis in America's public school. It turns out that kids start thinking about dropping out in middle school.

First Read the facts here:

Then: You will respond to the following questions BEFORE we watch the videos.

After we watch the movies, we'll also respond and hopefully come up with a plan for you in which you will pledge not to drop out!

Here are the pre-video questions:

1. Do you know anybody who has dropped out of school? Explain the situation as best as you can.
Yes , I know someone that has dropped out of school .They had to work and take care of there siblings that's why they dropped out of school.

2. What reasons did that person have, or what reasons have you heard that people drop out of school. Please write at least 2 reasons

3. What could schools do to make sure students don't drop out.

4. Do  you think life is different for kids who drop out compared to those that graduate? Please explain with thoughtful answers.

5. Do you think teachers should ignore kids who are in danger of dropping out and focus instead on students who really want to finish school?

6. What do you think happens to a community where half of students don't graduate?


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Online Safety

Today we are going to learn about online safety.

Using the internet is generally awesome, but with all that technology comes certain dangers you should be aware of. There are online predators, email scams, cyber bullies, identity theft schemes and other dangers out there.


Go to Brainpop:

1. Watch the movie ( whole class) Pay attention to Moby's rules. You will need to remember these for the activity.

2. Take the Graded Quiz ( take it until you can pass with 8/10)

3. You can also watch the movie again if you want

4. Read about internet scams in the FYI "Modern World" section.

5. Go the "Activities" and try all three activities. Vocabulary, Graphic Organizer, and Activity. Raise your hand when you finish these.

6. Free time if you finish! try a BrainPop game, or go back to Free Rice, cool math games or other educational sites

EXTRA: Go research some interesting internet schemes that are out there and post them below in the comments!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Bully The Movie

 Today you are going to reflect on your experience watching Bully: the movie

1. First go to the following link and read about the movie here:

2. Read the essays students wrote on Nicolas Kristoff's blog below:

Now here are the winning essays:
Teenage Girls; the Cruel Super Humans from Outer Space
By Lena Rawley, 17, from Montclair, N.J.
Teenage girls are cruel super-humans from a distant galaxy sent here to destroy us all. They have the self entitlement of a celebrity heiress and the aggression of a Roman Gladiator. Like vampires they feed off the blood of the weak. They’re pubescent monsters. Adolescent boogeymen.
While my observations may be coming from a point of bias, that doesn’t mean they are faulty in accuracy. As a teenage girl myself, I think I know teenage girls quite well. Not only was I a former teenage mean girl, but I was tortured, tormented, isolated and socially maimed by them as well.
When they acquire a target, teenage girls, with the determination of a private assassin, will stop at nothing to take down their target. They’re relentless. They’re cruel. Their methods are insane. They are never to be underestimated.
In middle school, I made the mistake of underestimating the power of these skinny jean clad monsters. I thought I was safe, I thought myself impervious to their cruelty. I watched them do on to others as they would later do on to me, and felt no fear.
I was a fool however, for teenage girls pick their targets by familiarity. They are less likely to torment someone small and insignificant and more likely to viciously turn on their friends. Preferably the weakest link in their group, prey who is easy for them to catch and take down.
I was the weakest link. I was the wounded gazelle. And thus, I became their target.
It was eerie because, when my eventual demise began, I had no idea what was going on. Yes it was slightly fishy that they had stopped calling me, stopped saying hi to me in the hallway, but I assumed it was just
Again, I was wrong.
Once the period of silence came to a close, all hell broke loose. Vicious rumors began spreading around and dirty looks and foul words were thrown my way in the hall. I was forced off the lunch table and into social leprosy.
Exactly a week after phase two (social alienation) had began I received an email from the ringleader of the group. I opened it up to reveal a headline that bluntly stated, “Fifty Reason Why We Can’t Be Friends With You.” Underneath the headline, as promised, were neatly fifty reasons, ranging from my body to my personality to my clothes, that clearly stated the reason for my alienation.
I felt sick.
But I wasn’t going to let them get me. Those hyenas didn’t deserve my tears. I deleted the note, picked up the pieces and moved on. I found friends who were kind and accepting. Friends who wouldn’t devour their own.
My experience, while evidently not ideal, is something I would not change. I don’t see it as a stain upon the fabric of my life, but more like an embellishment. A decorative brooch I wear with pride, a brooch that cries, I overcame bullying, so can you.
Too Late
By Alyssa Ahrens, 17, Indiana
A young girl walked through her high school halls, clutching a book tightly against her stomach, as if it were a shield. She has her hair loose, allowing the tendrils of it to gather by the sides of her face. Another shield. She stares pointedly at the floor, taking quick, hushed steps as she reaches the stairs. Gingerly, she climbs up them one step at a time, looking about her for that frighteningly familiar face. She feels the clamor of the students around her, brushing past her, fighting their way through the crowded hallways.
The world turns into blurs around her as she sights a face at the top of the stairs, lounging against the corner in the stairwell, smiling as it recognizes its prey.
It’s too late to turn around. It’s too late to hurry past. She’s been spotted… Too late. Too late. Too late.
Hands grab her book, and she is pulled to the corner. Cruel eyes crinkle in laughter.
No words are spoken.
In the breath of a moment, the girl’s hands are empty, flailing in the air for purchase as she is tumbling, falling backward. Her head meets a sharp corner, her hand hits the wall with a sharp crack. With pain erupting in her, she slides down the rest of the steps.
She hears something skidding across the floor by her head.
It is her book.
Her useless shield.
There is one more flash of that gloating smile before it rounds the stairs.
A few kids glance at her. One hands her book to her and gives her a hand up. The girl takes a quick inventory. Her hand hurts, head is throbbing, and ankle is on fire.
Nothing broken.
She is pushed forward by the teacher behind her, her voice chiming “Time to get to class,” methodically.
This girl is me. Just another student. Just another victim.
For 8 years, this is the world I have lived in. For 8 years, I have skipped lunch to get to the safety of the library, bury myself in books, and count the days till graduation. As of today, it is 64. I used to have five ve   hjyhjkhhjhjhjhjry close friends, friends who endured the same Hell as I did. Every day. Words like bullets, raining down upon you till there is nothing left. Those words hurt me worse than getting shoved down a flight of stairs ever did. Those words, that smile.. those are whereherehat make me wake up at night screaming. Those are what I see when I look in the mirror. Nothing. Worthless. Loser.
Sometimes they told us we were better off dead.
Two of my friends followed their advice. One never saw the age of 14, the other never got his license.
Never say that they are just words. Don’t think it’s our confidence that is the problem. It is the bullies.
It’s too late for me. Too late for a lot of kids. Nothing will undo the years I have spent questioning what I did wrong.
But for millions of other kids, it isn’t too late.
Bullying starts early and gets worse. Tackle it in elementary school. It isn’t cute. It doesn’t mean hereherethat the girl likes that boy or vice versa. It is bullying. It is dangerous. And it needs to be stopped. Before it’s too late.
My Hurt
By Madison Jaronski, 15, New Hope, Penn.
Tears have been flooding down my face; breathing is a task that now seems impossible. I draw my legs closer and closer into my chest as I try to transform the pressure into reassuring comfort. I begin to slowly rock myself and by now my tears have colored my pillow black. The lights are off and no one is home to hear my helpless cries. Thoughts are running mindlessly through my brain but the only word I manage to creathereheree is why. Why me? Why has this happened to me? Why has all of this happened in one year? One year. Those thoughts only seem to make me cry even louder. All the memories from past incidents now rush to my mind and I am now consumed, lost in my own sea of tears with nothing or no one to be my boat to take me to shore.
I honestly can’t recall how long I lay there that night. Any sense of time has vanished months ago for me because it does not matter what time or day it is: I knew I would be bullied. As I reflect upon this year, all of my accomplishments and enjoyable moments are overshadowed by the pain and harassment that was thrust upon me. Just looking at my surface, you would see, a confident young woman, as sturdy as a rock. You would never think that I was broken, broken into a million pieces like shattered glass, all because of the work of a group of sherehereenior boys. You would never think that I have starved myself multiple times due to my desire to fade into the backdrop of the world.
Whenever I build up the strength to tell someone about this year, I get the same old fake response “Oh my, how horrible, I am so sorry. But don’t worry, I have been bullied too so I understand.” The thing is though; that statement is never comforting because right then I think “Really… You have been verbally attacked while walking in your hometown and school? You have been betrayed by some of your closest friends? Spent many late nights to early mornings crying yourself to sleep? You have been publicly harassed? And still at the end of all of it, got blamed for every last thing too?” Nobody ever answers “yes” back. Never.
I hope I just took some of you back and made you realize that bullying is specific. No two acts of bullying are the same because bullying is always personal, always meant to strike home with that individual person, to make that individual feel as if she is completely worthless to the world. That is what a group of senior boys did to me this year, and I only got through this year because I had my closest friend right by my side, a beacon through this storm.

3. Answer the following questions and post them into the blog:

Thursday, September 20, 2012


We will be spending some time keyboarding today.

Please go to this link:

Work through each level starting with j and k

Let's start with a lesson Here:

1. Start the lesson by Pressing START

2. When you are finished, try the  next lesson. Your goal is to reach 15 words per minute at this stage.

3. Try at least 5 lessons before you move on this game:

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

California Virtual Tours

Hello fourth graders! Let's take a California Virtual Tour!

You will visit the following websites to learn about California's diverse regions and then make a slide presentation to show what you learned!

This is a 3 part project:

In Part 1, you are going to explore and visit new places right from your computer by going to the following links:

 In Part 2 you will collect information about what you found in each region, like landmarks, land forms, cities, cool places. You will work on a simple document and add text and images.

 In Part 3 you are going to Make a little presentation about California's regions! You will learn how to make a slide show!

Friday, September 14, 2012

My name is Monica. This is my first blog post. I'm going to post a picture of music notes.I posted a picture of music notes because I love listening to music & singing.
<3 Baeza <3 - Jessica A.k.A Smileyy :)
Cute bunny!! - Evelyn


                            my name is kk and idk 

This is my angel

Maria P.


thiS is A POST of baBY DOLl fr0m 0mg giRlz!
                                                                                     love nahje
lol this is my third hehe
by miranda:)

my first post and yes this happens all the time XD  by:patty

This is my first blog post.
This is the pictures of my favorite actors and singers.

This is my first blog post my name is Odalys. My favorite singer(s) is Lady Gaga and Christina Aguilera. I would like to join gymnastics.
this will be chucky showing everybody a batman new era beanie.
my first blog post(: nena
my first blog post!!!(:martha
lol this is my second post :)
by miranda

Hellooo, my name is Quynh. I love cats .-.

This is my first blog post
Hi, my name is Alicia and this is my first blog

Hi, My name is Micoco this is my first blog